Mustang Outings

Ohtobbad;n7462 said:
Thursday night it the show night for MS.
I also believe its the big one, so if weather is good ( so far looks good)
This will be the big night, I will be heading down if work allows.
I guess the car should get a cleaning.
Made it down, I was a little late, pretty good showing, not quite the same as a few years ago.
They don't do much to promote the event, pretty much word of mouth.
The last two years they did a Sat. event and didn't work at all.
SO I expect if they keep the late August thursday night event in place, it will grow.
In its best days, they were getting over a 1000 cars. They came and went all night, seen some very rare
cars. Hopefully A&W will help it grow as in the past.
Aliona and I decided late to go on NSMC poker run.
Well I was told 3 times, that I should have registered.
They might not have enough forms for us to play poker, for note they offered anyone who wanted
2nd hand to pay another $5 bucks and get one, after Me being told.
Also they did not order enough Pizza for us to eat, I said that was ok, we had not planned on staying for supper.
We just wanted to go on run, I was then told again it is quite hard to organize these events and I should have signed up in advance.
I was causing an issue by not signing up.
Seems I was not the only one who didn't pre register, but was the only one told, now I feel special :)

All that being said, it was great turn out, over 50 cars and beautiful day for a run :: Despite our lack of proper procedures.
Yeah I hear ya there. Still frustrating. Some people got nothing better to do then to make other people feel bad. Oh well as you said. Chive on. Haha
Well its me and I have organized more things than most over the years.
I asked him, if he would like us to leave LOL. also didn't need to play poker and
we didn't finish the game, several asked us to drop by for pizza with them, but after my story
they offered up one of their slices, I said were good, its funny when you think about it.
But really sad when you look at the big picture.
I had fun, several people we know went, talked to some great folks, was a great drive.
So the part you go for was quite enjoyable.
Last minute decision to run to the Valley - Nice Sunday Fall day Run - Maybe the last but I doubt it


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great shot, be nice if maybe next weekend, weather permitting
we throw together a Sat or Sun run.