With just 5 simple steps you can automatically have a custom signature displayed under your posts. The signature can contain a variety of information, including a short vehicle and modification description, a link to a thread of even a small picture.
This new forum won't display your picture under all of your post. Usually, it will only appear on the first post of the page you posted on. This is so other member don't have to look at the same image 24 time while reading a long discussion.
Step 1:Click your mouse on your Username (for me: 92LX302) in the top right corner of the screen. A roll-down menu should appear. Click on User Settings.
Step1_UserSettings by Maxime Sonier, sur Flickr
Step 2: Click on the 'Account' tab.
Step2_AccountTab by Maxime Sonier, sur Flickr
This new forum won't display your picture under all of your post. Usually, it will only appear on the first post of the page you posted on. This is so other member don't have to look at the same image 24 time while reading a long discussion.
Step 1:Click your mouse on your Username (for me: 92LX302) in the top right corner of the screen. A roll-down menu should appear. Click on User Settings.

Step 2: Click on the 'Account' tab.