Fred's Funny pages

So true about education vs intelligence.

I picked up the following saying in my former career.
“Common sense is not so common...”

I don’t know who the original author is, so can’t give credit to the deserving.

Some of our co workers in that Organization could be described as having Too Much Education and Not Enough Common Sense.
Some of our co workers in that Organization could be described as having Too Much Education and Not Enough Common Sense.
you can go to school to be educated.
Common sense can't be found in a book.
To many don't understand this.

Unforunately in todays world, we reward those who don't have common sense
because we are not aloud to call them names, might hurt feelings.
But calling names is sort of like calling someone stupid, after awhile some
will work on it and improve. If you never tell them, then never change and
worse they teach others :oops: