Crazy Weather events in your area

January is going to end with a Bang.
4cm and big freeze yesterday, salted like crazy.

Fast moving storm today 10-15 in about 5 hours
warms up to snow, then another deep freeze tonight.

4-5 cm in morning, just enough to make a mess while cold.

Friday night, 15 cm,

this is what folks get for mouthing off, look no winter
when January is not over.

Ground hog day on Sunday, I though he was taken out last winter.
January is going to end with a Bang.
4cm and big freeze yesterday, salted like crazy.

Fast moving storm today 10-15 in about 5 hours
warms up to snow, then another deep freeze tonight.

4-5 cm in morning, just enough to make a mess while cold.

Friday night, 15 cm,

this is what folks get for mouthing off, look no winter
when January is not over.

Ground hog day on Sunday, I though he was taken out last winter.

I feel for you.
We’re getting the cold and you’re getting the precipitation.

I think the cold air pushes the low pressure systems around us.
Day started -10, snowed about 10 cm and went to plus 2
now -3, going to minus 10 windchill minus 22
by morning, going to bed, and go salt again 3 am
try and keep everything from becoming ice rink.
should be interesting when the world wakes up

The amount of people who should have scissors taken to thier Lic is unreal.
SO once again, I will say it, weathermen are idiots, only people I know can get it so wrong and never get fired.
forecast 4-8 cm, at 9 cm mark this morning showed 1.2 more then over, we do full clean up,
at end snow comes again, oh joy, 18 cm laters and an extra 7 hours we get it done.

Not sure how many millions are spent on this, but I say sell it for scrap, help pay for anything else and fire
everyone one of these idiots, we can pay folks $20 bucks in hour in 4 corners of the maritimes, to tell us whats coming
Or look our a window, LOL
6 cm turned into 12 and the mess with everyone driving on
made it hard to clean up, -14 makes salt work less.
Frozen pipes with water running across parking lot,
the joy of snow removal

16 hour day and 5 am start to another 16 hour day.
70 ton of salt used on last 11 days,
I know city and big contractors are running record numbers
on salt this year,

Global warming my ass.
They were only calling for minus 20”s last night. Like -24 or something.

This was the environment Canada recording at 8 thus morning.
Check the humidity level, slightly bellow and right. 😳

Good thing it wasn’t windy.

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I thought -14 in Pugwash was bad enough
seriously, people up North make 5 times the money because of conditions like that,
Just sayin.
Well everyone thought Thursdays mess whas a shit show and it was.
Tomorrows looks like 3 times Thursdays mess, more Snow, more ice pellets
more freezing rain and alot more rain.

Should be full on mess and a long night for folks in my Busness.
Every business in city has run our of salt, from some contractors to
homeowners, its like crack shortage, hard to find, likely expensive if you do
and full on panic to get it.

I used 26 ton of salt thursday night, Friday and my stuff is clean and bare.
Filled container yesterday with salt, hopefully have enough.
I have had about 6 calls so far asking if I would sell some
ahh not today, I am hoarder today LOL