
I am curious, what each province is saying?
Seems some are stressing staying home regardless.

Some say going for a walk is ok, but keep distance,
other people are arguing this, what's your take on it?

City has closed parks and walking trails, province has not.
We go outside of town, found very quiet place to go for walk and get Diesel his run.
I think getting out and some fresh air is important, as long as you keep distance.

Nice weekends here seem to cause the whole world to move, people have been reported going
for the sake of going, which we avoid. I did not leave my yard yesterday.
Aliona took Diesel for a walk, thats it.
I walk Jake and Molly around the block every day. Small sub division 25 residences, but we cross the street if we meet anyone. There are too many people walking on Main Street and impossible to maintain social distancing when on the sidewalk on the bridge that crosses the River.
The only way to pull off a lockdown 'QUICKIE' with their 8-year old son in the apartment was to send him out on the balcony with a Mars bar and tell him to report on all the street activities.
He began his commentary as his parents put their plan into operation:
'There's a car being towed from the car park,' he shouted.
'An ambulance just drove by!'
'Looks like the Andersons have company,' he called out.
'Matt's out on his bike and his mum is telling him off'
'Looks as if the Sanders are going into full isolation!'
'Jason has had his skate board taken off him.
After a few moments he announced, 'The Coopers are having SEX!!'

Startled, his mum and dad shot up in bed!
Dad cautiously called out,
'How do you know they're having sex?'
'Jimmy Cooper is standing on his balcony with a Mars bar'.
For those of you remember the Moncton Mustang Show last year, then you will realise I won’t need to go hunting for toilet paper ??????????

I loved the joke that was doing the rounds that said good job we don’t have a diarrhea epidemic, then we would have panic buying of nasal sprays!