2023 winter Photo Contest

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Staff member
Well its that time, winter is upon us, so time for winter Photo contest.
Due to time of year and 99.9% will searching the archives for a great photo,
You have un till Midnight Friday January 6th to Submit your photo.

One per member of your car, Please choose wisely, once its posted
thats your entry. After the 6th, Charlie will put up Poll within a few days.
Good luck to all :)
Sorry to sidetrack thread but teachable moment at hand.
Disclaimer, we are talking about posting pictures here. Nothing else. ?

When you have the selected picture preview on your screen,


if you hit the “Save” button now, you get the small picture like you have above.


What you have to do is, when you have the selected picture preview on you screen,


You have to touch the small “insert” square. This will give you the option to post “thumbnail” or “full image”.


Now you have to hit “full image”,
You’ll see the attach, photo number script on the screen in your post.
Then hit save and you’ll get a full size picture.


You can try by reposting your entry.
Rarely, it will still post a small pic.
Just hit the edit button on your post and delete the attach script only and try again.
When the attach script is longer, you will get the full size image.
Rarely it’s like it missed it on the first try.
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