2018 Fall Run - Official Topic

For those last minute shoppers, tomorrow is the last day to book before the remaining rooms go back into circulation. I had 15 rooms set aside and we are pretty close to that anyway. Doesn't mean you can't book after tomorrow....just might be a different rate and no guarantee of a room. Should be a fun weekend!!
Mineral Grey (Al) was telling me at Car Show yesterday that supper Friday and Saturday night were at Jungle Jim's close to the Travel Lodge. One night would be fine, but something different the other night would be nice.I found a highly rated Italian Place, Romano's Pizza and Spaghetti only 3 minutes and 1.3 kilometers away at 150 Main Street West. If parking is an issue there, there's a Vito's on Rothesay Avenue, 9 minutes and 9 kilometers away with ample parking. What is the Group's consensus on this ? I know Restaurants within close proximity of the Hotel are limited, but I haven't eaten at a Jungle Jim's for over 20 years and what I remember of their meals is that it was mostly French Fries on the plate :(
The restaurants are always tricky. It comes down to who can take us and who can't and a lot depends on the final numbers which I won't have until almost the day before. That being said, west side of Saint John has been a bit of a challenge. Romano's can do 30-40 but if we end up with more (and we are at 30 now) then no go and we'd be all over the place inside. It's a smaller place and parking would be an issue. Vitos was on the table but it being that far away I kinda went away from it as most prefer something closer. I eliminated downtown where a good portion of places are because it's downtown lol. I don't wanna try and find a spot down there to park my car so I would imagine most are in the same boat. Normally we do different restaurants each night but this year will be a little different. Jungle Jim's is at a mall type location, lots of parking, reasonably close and they can take a big group without any issues. Up to you to decide what you'd like to do.
Maybe there is a restaurant not in Saint John that we will pass or be near that we can stop at on the way back to the Travel Lodge. Just a thought anything is fine with me. This might work for Saturday night meal. Friday meal in st. john.
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Festus;n25124 said:
Maybe there is a restaurant not in Saint John that we will pass or be near that we can stop at on the way back to the Travel Lodge. Just a thought anything is fine with me.

That sounds like an excellent idea, Al, (Mineral Grey), these are your Stomping Grounds, any suggestions ? After all day on the Road Saturday, I'm all for having supper on way back to room.
I as most would prefer 2 different places BUT. after doing this several years as a group
it is no where as easy to do as it is to type. Many restaurants, don't want to set aside
40, 50 even 60 places for us, some have even wanted us to have only 2 menu choices.
This takes looking, making calls, follow up with all the considerations mentioned in
previous posts. As it stands now, we have the restaurant chosen and I highly doubt we are going to
change much in 3 weeks. The last 2 years we had 50+ on Saturday night, this could be more or less depending
on many factors including weather and locals who may decide to join us.

That said, it is of course the choice of each person to do as they wish, why we have a sign up sheet
to allow us to plan for those who wish to go together.