Camaro stolen

A stolen Camaro ???
I suppose everyone is entitled to a little weak moment in their lives.
Ah well at least they didn't take anything of value like your "Whipper Snipper" eh ?? lol ;)
By the way love the Impala thing your into, pretty cool cars..........but a Camaro ?? lol

Seriously though, it is very frustrating and insulting when people break into your property, you feel invaded and for awhile it leaves a sense of insecurity for some people who remain worried that it will happen again. There is a wave of these types of theft going around lately as 2 Mustangs and 1 beautiful and heavily modified '69 Camaro were stolen in the past few weeks in the area here. And you're only 90 minutes away, could be same bunch, has to be organized stuff !!!
All Jokes aside you really don't want to catch them, 20 years in jail for beating them to death with a shovel LOL.
Work hard for our stuff and bums want to take it, not a good feeling.

I am not built that way, but if I ever decided to be a thief, I want to be so good at it
they make a Sunday movie of the week about my crimes.
Also enough ( millions) so when I am in some country for life that they can't
get me LOL.

these punks have no class, hopefully with the cold, things will slow down for at least the winter, normally does around here.