Vernon's Antique Toy Shop , Swift Current Newfoundland

Could be true, and might get traction, can certainly be put forward as a run option.
I know I couldn't do it. I can not take a week off at the time of year required to make that run.
I am not sure how many would want to do a full week run, But certainly something that could be discussed.
Gauge from interest how many would go.
Yeah I agree Trevor. A week may be too much most. On my end if I ever take a week off to visit the rock I would definitely bring the kids along as it is not a place they have ever been.

That being said there may be a few that are up for it. You never know.
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Not a barn find so to speak but a funky paint job I saw in Quebec tonight.


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Some of them get short local drives. The Blue Chevy Pick Up was parked closest to the garage door and his wife advised that it is his favorite and gets used the most.
My husband and I toured this place on a cruise through Newfoundland with members of the Nova Scotia Mustang Club. It is a phenomenal collection. A lot of the cars had the keys in the ignition, I assume it was so they could move them easily. He loves him some Elvis too. His desk was the rear of a Cadillac. I highly recommend going.