
here is another tool, that you can make, is quite handy,
been some discussion on these in our zoom sessions.
Gerry has made these,
Thundr and I share a set of 6 :)
I am going to make some more.
Well I wrecked my back and knee taking wood stove out of basement, soooo.
Gerry showing up Sunday morning was not only a pleasant surprise
as I was going to gear up ramps, some assmebly required.

Gerry was a great help and hooked up most of lines a burped the system,
and wasn't long before we had working, so we set up and did test run.
few pics :)



Kind of neat setup, comes with rubber blocks that you can move around
to set where needed, should be good when doing front and rear end.
Thanks again for the help and company Gerry, always appreciated.
The Costco model is BL-7000SLX, rated 7000lbs. I will consider this in my near future as well then! Will end up having it at a friend's garage up to the time where we'll be building, but at least I can use it when I'm there and he can use it for his own in the interim too :p .

Happy to see it works as good as advertised and Youtubed!
I got them when they were on sale 1200
Did a quick search and they're even more expensive than the listed price on Costco direct from QuickJacks, So nonetheless if someone would be to snag them at full price it's still going to be cheaper than direct, AND cheaper than a full complete lift.

Question: What kind of sale was it? I mean, black friday kind of sale or you just stumbled on it one day? Want to prepare myself to deal hunt :)
Did a quick search and they're even more expensive than the listed price on Costco direct from QuickJacks, So nonetheless if someone would be to snag them at full price it's still going to be cheaper than direct, AND cheaper than a full complete lift.

Question: What kind of sale was it? I mean, black friday kind of sale or you just stumbled on it one day? Want to prepare myself to deal hunt :)
Actuall Helimech told me about it and I ordered,
I ordered two weeks ago, they said 2-3 days shipping, it was a week
but no extra charge for shipping either.

I will need these for work of course ?
Here's a cool little tool that I picked up for the four wheeler and skidoo.
Been trying to find one for over a year now but they were all sold out and back order, gave my name to local dealer here and never thought he would follow up on it, but he did.... (y) (y)
