Thought of the day.

A fair bit of snow but I really expected worse. Just came in from doing a bit of shoveling around the doors but figured the wind was blowing so bad that there is no point in getting out the snowblower yet. Up to my knees in the driveway, my waist at the garage side but not as bad as some other spots in the Maritimes.
Final numbers, rumoured to be 55-60 cm. Blew hard here also.
28 hours and I took time for a nap, problem is nap at 8 am don't work so good.
after about 18 phone calls, decided I might as well get up and get some more work done.

Going to be a long few days.
I measured 56cms in the main part of my driveway from garage all the way down to the road. Plow left a nice bank that was more than that lol. The side area of the driveway where I normally park vehicles was well over 3 feet. I figure the wooded area stopped the snow and created a nice little drift.
10 cm, but with wind. Only thing I don't like it, starts 10 pm and goes til 7am then blows
all day, makes for a long night and day.
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Someone turn the Switch off already . We don't need another 2015 winter repeat..


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I just heard 25 to 40 more with the next system. They keep changing it. Where is that rodent? Oh safely tucked under 3 friken ft of snow......
Calling for 10-15cm here, more wind and then flurries all day tomorrow.
Makes it messy and hard to keep clean.
Laying low here, don't want to attract attention as we've been pretty much spared lately. But been there before, many times, so I feel your pain guys !!! Hope things calm down as Mid Winter Party only a short time away !!!