I noticed something that has happened several times over the last few years.
I would like to comment on, but first I wish to make clear this is not aimed at anyone
but more a general comment to everyone here.
As you all know, members here love helping you spend money, upgrades repairs
anything mustang related, even a hoist for Charlie's pony barn

But remember our advice comes from wanting everyone here to get best experience
and bang for buck and makes nothing from your success, other than the joy knowing
they helped out another member, shops, others are looking at thier profit.
When your doing mods or upgrades and even trying to solve a problem
ask folks here and take advice for what you paid for it

But we have a large collective amount of experience here and I suggest folks
really listening and asking questions, everyone here wants your mods to be great
you upgrades and repairs to be successful.
I have seen people not take the advice, go thier own way and end with more problems than results.
We have seen people not do the research and end up not happy. Each decision is our own and we will
all live with the results. At the end of the day everyone wants what they want and should try to the best of
thier ability to achieve that. One persons experience good or bad, does not mean it will be yours.
Like they say in gambling ads, please play responsible LOL
Also remember everyone here is in a different place in life. Some have more disposable income,
some have less, each has different levels of responsibility and likely different end goals for life, toys
In the end do what makes you smile, thats what this should be about.