Thought of the day.


Today got some nice one that happened to me haha. On a Facebook group i am part of, someone in the states does a posts that goes something like this: ''Planning a road trip to Nova Scotia this winter, i will need good winter tires in 19'' to go there, plus I'll bring chains just in case. what kind of tires do you recommend?''
So I'm like: ''I'm from New-Brunswick just next door, try such and such make of tires. BEWARE of our winters with that car, i'd advise that you double check the long term weather before leaving Maryland. ''

Next thing you know, buddy is adding me on Facebook, starts to questions regarding the weather, tires, what to plan for, where he should go. He's already planning for the Cabot trail, so he's good there (and i do not know of any other good winter driving spot anyways). But my advises were more because I've read into that group of one of his other road trip with his car.

I do have raise my hat to that gentlemen. I DID warn him about the huge amount of brine on the roads in the winter, PLUS the usual salt ... he doesn't care and will wash the car coming home (literally what he answered :P )

Road trip time: mid-Late February ..... CAR: FERRARI F430 CHALLENGE STRADALE
Thats insane,had to look it up
OK so, first I would delete him, no one need to know someone this stupid.
Cool car but winter driving in the maritimes on roads you don't know LMFAO.

Cabot trial gets closed at points in winter because of snow.


never mind other parts of maritimes
Those pictures are PERFECT for exactlyu that reason. I don't judge him. Obviously for him money is NO object, and i will not be able to deter him, so might as well make sure he gets out of it alive hahaha ...

i will transmit the message for sure of how bad that part becomes when it's really snowing"!! Worry pas, i Feel it's super stupid too lol
It appears they are driven more than I realized in snow,Ferrari actually promotes it it seems.

But why? Me entering the Suburban in 24 hrs of Lemans makes more sense.

At least I have a better chance of finishing.

Honestly, even tho it's promoted, I still believe it shouldn't be done. But then again, I do raise my hat to the fact the guy actually do with this car what it's designed to do ... DRIVE :) Not where it should, but it's probably a ''money no object kinda guy''... must be nice lol
that nice Italian road is a lot different than our pothole infested roads, covered in snow.
There places on that mountain where people die every year, mostly due to driving to fast
but if you can't stop the fall kills you just the same.

That snow on the mountain is not certain times of the year, its winter.
Also not much is open up there in winter, so long day of all goes well.
If he has money, rent a luxury SUV and enjoy.