test again

AC Bill;n1257 said:
Why can't I post here? I'm logged on from what I can tell..Is ther a time delay before a post shows up?
hi Bill, you need first 2 posts approved, I have approved 3, you should be good to go now.,
let me know if any more problems.
sick04;n1292 said:
Don't you have to suscribe to that thread I had the same problem now I don't

The way it is set up ( as far as I know) the first two posts have to be approved by a mod. This keeps unknown users
from signing up and going nuts. Other forums it is often the first two photos, but this is also new V-bulltin software.

Some of the new software is not even fully developed yet, so some things we want to do, we can't yet.
Up side is should be at least a couple of years before we need to pay for any up-dates.
Thanks Thundr.
.I'll keep playing around till I get it all sorted out. Adding a picture for an avatar has me stumped still. I can't see a spot for it in my personal settings or profile area. Can you copy and paste a picture to it from a computer file? Or do you need to start an album, and somehow transfer it from there to the avatar?
Bill you should be able to go into your profile, settings, put cursor
over avatar, bottom left see edit avatar, click that then add photo.