SilverGT Dave and Bev Smith Aug 30, 2017 #22 Just registered too.Let me know as the date gets closer and I will meet you guys at 9:30 or whenever you decide.Thanks.
Just registered too.Let me know as the date gets closer and I will meet you guys at 9:30 or whenever you decide.Thanks.
TrueBlue02058 Post King Sep 1, 2017 #27 9:30 it is : 1.Marcel 2. Dave 3. Fred 4. Phil 5. Martin (Tentative).
2001BlackGTvert Administrator Staff member Sep 6, 2017 #28 Hey Fred, Thinking about making the drive out possibly. So I will more than likely see you guys in Sussex at some point.
Hey Fred, Thinking about making the drive out possibly. So I will more than likely see you guys in Sussex at some point.
TrueBlue02058 Post King Sep 6, 2017 #29 Latest forecast for Sunday on Moncton Radio, Cloudy and 20, :FordSmile
2001BlackGTvert Administrator Staff member Sep 6, 2017 #30 Looks good for the long range. We are currently getting some much needed rain in Moncton. Lol
SilverGT Dave and Bev Smith Sep 9, 2017 #31 Are we all set to leave McDonald's at 9:30?We will be there before 9 to have breakfast.
Mcdavis King of the road trip Sep 9, 2017 #33 Hope to see you guys there, may be a bit late, save me a spot!!
torch Tech Guy Staff member Sep 9, 2017 #34 Hey guys, I am still planning to be at the show but will not be at the 9:30 meetup. See you there!
Mcdavis King of the road trip Sep 10, 2017 #35 Hey guys, hope you had a good time, sorry I could not make it in the end.
05 gt 5spd On the road again Sep 11, 2017 #36 Someday I will get there to see the balloons in the air. My two previous trips were not . Didn't make it this year, looks like a missed a good one!
Someday I will get there to see the balloons in the air. My two previous trips were not . Didn't make it this year, looks like a missed a good one!
2001BlackGTvert Administrator Staff member Sep 11, 2017 #37 Anyone take any pictures? Looks like it was a decent day.
SilverGT Dave and Bev Smith Sep 11, 2017 #38 No balloons until the evening.Didn't make sense.Good car show though.