Sites and sounds of Spring


Staff member
Beautiful day today, sunny +9 Yes I know snow tomorrow :(
But this week I seen Geese flying home,
every morning now you hear the birds chirping.

Seen a few muscle cars and exotics out and about,
Motorcycles are now coming out.
Soon time Mustangs will be out of hibernation :)
First peek of 2022,
First run was last week as the car safety was due before March end...and got the plugs changed while in there. Western area has been light on salt for a few weeks and good rains. Hoping tomorrow is minimal crap but we are in 5 - 10 cm but not too cold.

Second run of '22 today up to Middleton NS where the local station got a new locomotive brought in for display during covid. If your down that way you can get close and personal for a shot as it is right on the ATV trail.

