Hmm? Memorable rides.
I guess the very first time I went 100 mph in a car is pretty memorable. I was about 8 years old, and in my sisters boyfriends Triumph TR3. It took about three miles to get it up to that speed, and what seemed like 10 minutes..but we did it.
The next time I did 100 mph, I had just turned 16, and had my hand me down (from dad) 62 Chev Biscayne 2dr post.. With it's 235 ci straight six, 3 on the tree, and a carload of buddies, it also took a while to hit the magic number, and needed a long, long, stretch of straight Hwy. That car, in the few years I had it, created several memorable moments..What was her name again..
My sisters boyfriend, whose taste in cars I admired greatly, also gave me some memorable rides, in his AC Bristol, a Type 1 E-type convertible, and his Cosworth powered, Lotus 23B racing car.. A lap around the old Westwood racing circuit, was definitely a hi-lite.