No AC in the AC

AC Bill

Well-known member
I wait for 8 months of the year to be able to go out for a cruise in the Cobra. Finally, the rains become less frequent, and the sun comes out. The car has been carefully gone over, oil changed, lubed, clamps tightened, etc. ...Perfect !

I get in some really nice runs in late May. Out cruising on some of the Island's windy country roads. I can let it breath a little, out on the highway.. June has a few wet days, (which seems to be getting more typical the last couple of years,) but July starts off really nice,. Love the evening cruises,with the long daylight hours. Often I could get a nice run in, and be back home before it was dark, thereby avoiding the suicidal deer, that seem to purposely want to jump out in front of you.
So come late July, and the weather is still beautiful and still rain free.. But it is hot...Very, very, hot... It starts getting hot at 8 am, and stays hot until around 10 pm.. It's actually to darn hot to go cruising. Between the heat from the sidepipes, engine compartment, a dark interior,, and the sun beating down on you, I just can't handle the heat..

No AC in the AC Cobra..So it gets to mellow back in the shop, free of tree sap, and bird shit..

Bloody ironic isn't it. You wait months for nicer weather, so you can get out and drive, but then it's just too damn nice..:rolleyes:

I talked to a guy who has a Gold Wing today and he said it is too hot to drive it.I have been keeping the top up on the convertible with the ac on.
Hi Bill, How have you been ?
Its been toasty, drive as much as you can when you can, its worse down here
we actually get a winter :)
I'm glad that the BULLITT has a Roof and Ice Cold AC.

When the AC Roadsters first hit the road in England in the late 50's I believe, we weren't experiencing 40 Celsius Humidity on either side of the Pond. Now we do in Canada and England. Replace the Bristol straight six with a V8 with side exhaust and you increase cockpit temps. Not good when it already feels like 40.
Top down back country roads nothing beats that. Closest thing is a motorcycle. In stop and go traffic i will put the top up if it is too warm. Last night took a nice long drive. It was absolutely perfect. Winter will be here soon enough. Lol