Mustang Outlaws cruise Aug 19th


Staff member
The Mustang Outlaws are putting this together for anyone interested in going on a cruise.
you can find them on facebook.

We have a Special cruise coming up on August 19th. Our friends from the PEI Mustang Club will be in our area and we will be cruising together and the Mustang Monday Cruising folks are invited as well. Chris Champion, the President asked if we had a cruise planned, which I didn't at the beginning of our conversation but I did by the end of the conversation.
The are coming over to go to the Masstown car gathering so we will welcome them just as we welcome new members. I plan on going up to Masstown Friday night and anyone is welcome to come with me. More on that later.
On Saturday morninig we will meet at Sobey's First Lake Drive, Lower Sackville at 8:00 to leave at 8:30 sharp. We will meet Chris Champion and the gang and The Mustang Monday Cruisers for 9:30. We will leave Masstown at 10:00 and head out to Parrsboro.
We will stop at the Flying Dutchmans Cheese store for a break, it's a nice place to stop for a rest. From there we will continue to on to Parrsboro for lunch and if people would like to we could go to the Geological museum. That would just be a little extra stop depending on desire.
From Parrsboro we will head out to Amherst, I'm still looking for another short rest stop. From there we will head into New Brunswick for a final stop at the gas station at the round about, because I know someone will need gas, and say Thanks for cruising with us. Depending on how many cars we have and how much room is at the gas station, we may have to drive up the road a short way where I know there is lots of parking. I have a reason for this so just play along with me.
Then our PEI friends will head home and so shall we. I plan on taking the back way home as it is such a nice drive for those who choose to follow me and for anyone needing to get home sooner, the highway is easy access.
There will be surprises along the way just because I want to have a little fun.
Any questions just let me know.
I would like to know how many people are coming so we can pick a restaurant with enough room for us.
I am very excited about this event and it will be a great time!!
Can't wait to meet everyone!!
Enjoyed the run. Couple of pics.

Masstown. Our usual coordinated parking.


That Dutchman's Cheese farm.


Somebody parked on the side in a good spot for a capture.


Worthy of a post, not on the actual run but seen on the way so I am adding. Taken on the way up in Truro.
