Mustang Future

Great public relations, but I agree the technology and support infrastructure isn't quite where it needs to be.

This could possibly be the first time in history a poorly planned idea has been implemented in a hurry without proper planning. :unsure::rolleyes:

Mmmmmmmmm.........microwaved beef.
Yes, Gov pushed stuff rarely goes well.
Read this morning, Charging systems for Apartment buildings
an issue already lol.

Also the new charging sytems will require 70 amps, which means most houses 200 amp system would not be enough
currently 100 amp system won't work unless you turn everything else off :rolleyes:
No real supply, with little talk of it and infrastructure is no where near where it needs to be.
This really will be fun to watch in about 5 years
New electric Jeep coming

In other news they plan on cutting down trees to make windmill charging stations iin the woods for off roaders :ROFLMAO:
To give folks and idea, when I fill and f-250 with fuel,
depending on whos driving, it will say 500-650 km to empty.

heres where it get tricky, I can be plowing in a storm and burn a tank of fuel
0n 150-250 km, because of type of work and the fact in some cases back up
as much as go forward you do not travel far, but truck is working and burning fuel
with less KM's covered

All while, the heat is on, heated mirrors are working, running work and flashing lights
plus plow system all off off same power source and also lights of trucks.

SO question would be, how long before they build something that can handle this?
Or do I have own 2 of everything to allow for one to charge, while ones working?
If so, how does this help the environment, yes less carbon, but we need two of everything to do same amount fo work.
It leads to a simple question, does and anyone every have the real conversation?
Do people have any idea how all of this works and costs involved?
Do folks have any idea how much fossil fuels are used today?

My anwser is I doubt it, look at everything around and on you
it has and has used fossil fuels to create it, inculiding your underwaer :)
take a long hard look at how and where the source to build batteirs for this comes from
It is far from earth friendly or human friendly.

You answered your own question in your post.
Electric is not for your line of work.
Yes, Gov pushed stuff rarely goes well.
Read this morning, Charging systems for Apartment buildings
an issue already lol.

Also the new charging sytems will require 70 amps, which means most houses 200 amp system would not be enough
currently 100 amp system won't work unless you turn everything else off :rolleyes:
No real supply, with little talk of it and infrastructure is no where near where it needs to be.
This really will be fun to watch in about 5 years

Ford has a 48 amp level 2 station available now.
Does not require 70 amp.

Level 2 means charging with 240 volt.
So decent charging.

EV is not for everyone.
Your work is example of not being compatible.

But for majority of households, not businesses, studies show most people do something in the range of 30 km a day on average.
Errands. Back and forth to work.
Take kids to soccer.
EV could work for them.

It’s a personal decision for everyone.

When and if they can’t find enough power to charge, or they get stuck on side of road, then we can be cynical about it.

But until then, I don’t think any of us know enough to be critical or to predict future.
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I would like to see more Hotels and places where you stay overnight have charging stations right in the lot. "Drive up suite with charger option" would work. Not leaving any vehicle a KM away at random store charging while I spend the night at a hotel. Add 10 bucks to the room with unlimited overnight charging may work for me when the time is right. Ready to go in the morning with a full charge.

There is a good web page which shows all the charge stations to get familiar with the locations, features and various prices. Many are in touristy spots for good reason or businesses and dealers where they got you waiting and potentially lured into spending money. Maybe they got a tax credit to offer a station. It will get better even if using coal fired power plants to generate the battery power created by stripping the land to mine the resources for another decade.

There is one Level 2 plug in our town. It is free and seems to have helped some get enough charge to move on to the next town. Waiting 6 hours in our town for a charge? The local store sells beer. Pick up a case (Keith's preferred) , mosey up the hill and drop in to see me while waiting. We will work something out to pass the time.

Charge Hub
Governemnets are forcing Manufactures to make with taxes directly linked to milage per car
2024 taxes go through roof if they don't lower MPG across line
what makes that amazing, all cars go into pot, milage divided buy cars produced,
how they get number lower does not matter.

UK is at 7% EV and charging a car a quick sites can be as much as filling gas cars.
Only cheap at home and they already have supply issues.

I suspect this conversation is coming faster by the day. Carbon tax here if we continue
by 3030 $170 per ton of carbon, $4.00 per litre for gas and means oil for homes would be $4000 to fill a tank,
That means it is being forced by GOV, switch or pay.

Anyone want to take a guess what power will cost per unit by 2035 :oops:
The mileage per car Trevor is talking about is called CAFE: Corporate Average Fuel Economy.
It’s an American law and applies to all manufacturers who sell cars in the States.

Yes, government is playing part with carbon tax and push for zero net emissions to counter climate change.
But government is being pushed in that direction by voters who are voting for these measures.
The environmental movement is large, way larger than the “Green” party.
And the young voters are more environmentally conscious than our generation.

So the consumer is having an impact as Rich says, at the ballot box and at the dealerships by buying the things.

It’s a combination of factors.
This conversation does not need to be about who’s right or wrong, or us against them.
Everyone can chose for themselves and should not fear judgement for it.

This started as Mustang discussion, and despite calls not to make it political, it seems to be heading in that direction.

I think the Mustang as we know it is on its last leg.
To survive it will have to change, or evolve as some might say.
Young folks don't get loud V8 gas guzzlers like we do.

Example, my daughter’s boyfriend, is an engineer working in the aerospace and renewable energy sectors.
He’s a big F1 fan and mechanically knowledgeable.
I asked him if he was a Mustang fan?
He answered that he’s a car guy but not a Mustang guy.
That’s a snapshot of how young people think.
And they are the ones who will be mortgaging and spending for the next 50 years.
I think AWD electric Mustang with motors on each axle would have awesome performance, probably leaving most if not all our gas powered cars in the dust. Would it be as much fun as a 6 speed manual with a loud V8, yes in a different way. One thing that I think would be missing is looking at the American Muscle website for performance upgrades
this last joke rasies a good question,
so you work late and get home, plug in your car
get cleaned up and go to bed, 5 minutes after you go to sleep
you wake up and your car is not charged lol now what?
ride your bike 27 miles in the snow and minus 10

Ahh take day off work or use a vacation day, ya bosses don't like that.
what would you do?