

Staff member
An idea we have thought of is a big photo contest, with the top 12 cars
making up a calendar for 2020
it would have to be in price range of $15:00 to break even or small loses.
Our question is what do you think of this Idea?
And would you buy one ?
The F150 forum I frequent used to do that, its a great idea, I'd be down for one.

Given the number of contributions and participation on this forum in the regular photo shoot competition, it would be easy to find 12 months worth.

No reason it should be sold at any kind of a loss though, I'd pay a little extra to recognize the time and efforts put in by whoever takes the lead to get them printed, packaged and mailed out. Sometimes that doesn't get taken into account.
I have looked into costing 50 costs approx. $10.83 plus tax each
100 Gets us just under 10 plus tax. Figuring we would give a few away.
$15 tax in plus shipping for those who needed it mailed would be doable.
Being realistic and depending on response I suspect 50 would be enough.
Guess we have to see the response here to know, so far we have sold about
6 and as one said if my car wins a spot LOL I would buy a few so maybe 10 sold so far.

I agree coming up with 12 great pics for calendar would not be a problem, as we have seen
with photo contests for top car on page the competition is incredible and could easily pick
several for that spot. So keep letting us know and If I think we can sell 40 I would more than happy
to put it together.
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Just spit balling here, but maybe be an idea to use them as giveaways at shows and such to promote the site?

Maybe even an opportunity to get site sponsor names on the calendar as well as a bump for their advertising dollars?

For example - January Maritime Mustang of the Month brought to you by MacPhee Ford, have the pic and then the sponsor logo on the bottom below the month.

Even if you keep it totally member driven with no adverts, its a solid idea, easily done for less than $20 each.

Heck, I've decided on at least two, one for the garage, and one for work. lol
thundr;n29397 said:
I would take one too, even i don't make the cut.
NSMC does one too.

there's you could bribe your way into, the set up photo shoot and
only selected folks are told lol.
So we have around 15 sold, thats approximately $175.00 in return on about
$500 to 600.00 investment to pull it off. If I found sponsors, which takes time I am not
sure I have. SO unless we can get number up to 30-40 sold, even if only a soft commitment
I am not going to go forward with it. So those who have not speak up if this interests you :)
Ohtobbad;n30051 said:
So we have around 15 sold, thats approximately $175.00 in return on about
$500 to 600.00 investment to pull it off. If I found sponsors, which takes time I am not
sure I have. SO unless we can get number up to 30-40 sold, even if only a soft commitment
I am not going to go forward with it. So those who have not speak up if this interests you :)

So, $600 split between the ones who are interested is $40 or maybe a bit more each and everybody pretty much gets a month to feature their car? Sounds like we'd all have some unique Christmas presents and can all say "my Mustang is featured in (month)? I'd pay a share on something like this!
pei_guy;n30058 said:
So, $600 split between the ones who are interested is $40 or maybe a bit more each and everybody pretty much gets a month to feature their car? Sounds like we'd all have some unique Christmas presents and can all say "my Mustang is featured in (month)? I'd pay a share on something like this!

LOL, that sounds good but a whole lot trickier in reality, 15 don't divide into 12 so feature might be a stretch :)
I like your thinking, reason I wrote last paragraph was to gt people to think of options if any.