F150 Exhaust Manifold replacement


Active member
I have a broken stud(s) on one of the manifolds and it has started leaking a bit. I have got opinions that I should replace both at the same time as it is only a matter of time for the other one. Does anyone have any suggestions of where to take it to get it done at a reasonable labour rate? Or should I just take it to a dealer? Pretty sure I can get the parts myself at a good price. It is a 2010 4x4 4.6L

I know there will likely be more studs broken off so it could be a b*&ch to get them off.
Take it to the Dealer if you've got money to burn. 3 years ago I had one replaced at the Dealer in Moncton on my 08 4X4 4.6. The extended warranty covered the part but only .6 hours of labor. I had broken studs too. It took 10 HOURS ! And I paid for 9.4 hours at $123.00 per hour !

3 years later the other one is leaking when cold , is fine once warmed up. I will get work done this fall at my Local Repair Facility that charges $65.00 per hour. As soon as the extended warranty ran out on both Daily Drivers I stopped taking them to the Dealer.

If the other one is fine , wait till it fails , it could be years. No use spending money on Truck now when you can spend it on the BULLITT. :FordSmile
Macdonald automotive on main street is good outfit,
tell them I sent you.
They are known to go, normally somewhere between 90 to 125 km.

Dealer can do it relatively quick, but Like Fred said, it is a lot more pricy.
If you go to Ford, go to Macphee's, see Charles in the truck shop,
he is great, also can stop in and see him, he can give you an idea what you are looking at.
Been a few years since I had one changed, can't remember the costs.
I would just do one at a time. Replaced one on a 5.4 about 5 years ago and the other one is still going strong.
Headers and a stock exhaust system wouldn't be much louder than stock. That's what I had for a while last summer on my 2013. And surely less anoying than stock with a leak.
I already thought of headers but had trouble finding them for my year/engine combo. Already bought the new parts through my son and have scheduled the work at Steele by Art Visser (I know him from ASCC, former racer). Only doing the one side as Art said there was no advantage to doing both at the same time.
Thats great, good to hear.
Now where is the update on Digby?
Any videos for our new you tube channel?
Inquiring minds what to know, I heard you had big turn out???
Yes, it was our best turnout yet! We had 49 on Saturday and 54 on Sunday. We ran a bit shorter course on Saturday as rain was threatened, but as it turned out didn't affect us much. I wasn't at my best for the weekend, but Trevor did well in raw times. He also has the videos we took and I will post them to the channel when he gets them up. I think Trevor was in the top ten both days but will post the results link when it is published. There are a few very fast cars there that can whup us now, we are held back mostly by tire/rim sizes. I would love to get a set of Enkei RPF! in 17x10 but they are big $$.
bullitt2655;n5712 said:
Picked up the truck today and the check engine light was on. Art took it back in and discovered a sensor very near the replaced manifold was non functional and that he must have hit it when removing the broken studs. One hour wait and I was on my way with no additional changes so I am happy.
Art is my go to guy when you need an honest opinion. He has solved a few of issues with the Turbo Coupe over the years. He's a stand up guy.
thundr;n5769 said:
Art is my go to guy when you need an honest opinion. He has solved a few of issues with the Turbo Coupe over the years. He's a stand up guy.

I agree. I took the Bullitt to him when it developed the knock a few years back and got a good honest opinion then took his advice and found a new bottom end for it.