All cool cars go here it says


Well-known member
So most of you may remember my Father in Law gave my wife a Mercedes a few years ago.

I finally mead the effort and went to get it for her,not really a car I personally would order in 1969 but I understand the passion he had for it and will keep it preserved.

Murphy's law,yep it's off the ramp,raining and too much power I guess hahaha

Safe in its new environment
Tell us more about the Mercedes, model number, engine. It’s a beautiful car and it is great that it is remaining in the Family.

She is the third owner Fred,in line six with two carbs,odometer not working shows 36 thousand miles,bought new in New Jersey,all documents including build sheet,back yard paint job a few years ago that I wish he had never had done,probably more work to fix now,would love to see it in red so the chrome that is mint would stand out more.

If he and her can take it for a drive next summer at the Atlantic Nats that would be cool,after that maybe in local parade once and awhile.he turned 90 this year

The only thing I told her we should do is have a personalized plate for it "BATES"