8th Generation Corvette Revealed, And reasonably priced for Super Car Performance

What I heard was $70K Canadian, and if that's true, than it's what Islander11 said, an atomic bomb on the performance market. What I would hope is that it translates into everyone else dropping prices to be competitive, but in reality it probably means powertrain refreshes across the board next year and literally everyone is scrambling right now and heads are rolling lol.
I rarely ever answer the question that's asked.... If the funds were there to get into a C8.....I think I'd lean more to European....BMW M6 twin turbo coupe. 600HP and a a completely different direction than Mustang. Already have my 13 GT going in a direction I'm happy with now, so would want to invest in a different driving style and experience.
The C-8 you can't buy for 70k unless used and used hard.
I have read several articles on the new vette, every reference was
70 K USD, if someone has the CAD price to be honest I would like to see it.

Two of the major articles spoke this car would be 8-10k over the base price of the base 2019 vette.
Lots of BS out there, but little has been released including the actual official price.
Also for those who know, cars sold tin Canada money is not a straight exchange, I am not 100% sure how it works
but with Major manufactures with international agreements it is not straight up. So we will have to wait to see price.

No chevy dealer has ever had a base model vette in stock, you would have to order it and it would be exceptionally bare.
Vette is like Mercedes, the add ons are pricey, so you can bet a fairly nice equipped car will be Mid 80's at least.
That puts you in the 100k Range with our wonderful HST. changes the whole conversation.

I actually believe the car will be impressive. But I will wait and see what it can do, I don't see me ever buying one, not my
thing. But you can also bet the one that will be incredible will be 130-150 K As vette has always been.

As for cars I would buy, ( other than one I have) Bang for buck the 2012 Boss is likely one of the most impressive cars
you will get for performance. BMW does not currently build anything that will touch my car so no thanks.
If I had the money maybe an Audi R10 or a Porsche GT3 RS And of course if money were not an issue.
Ford GT would be at the top of my list.
I'm not surprised at all. Chevy has rocked the high end performance market big time. I personally am not a Chevy fan, but I am giving them full credit for developing a mid engine super car for the regular person. I hear the Z06 is next and will have around 740 hp for probably around $90 - $100 k. The Zora may have around 1000 hp. They are eating Acura, Ferrari, Lamborgini, MacLaren and Porche's lunch with this car. I love it. Absolutely amazing.
At this point Chev's Vetter ZR version is only 495 hp, I suspect
someone will put a SC on it the first week, we will see.
How long it takes chevy to do it or add more, only time can tell.
Most car companies release HP based on what they think will work
in warranty life cycle of the engine.

Why folks think these are going to be that cheap surprises me.
Pricing has not be released only rumours at this point and they say
6-8k more than base C-8 Go ask any chevy dealer when the last time
they sold a base model Vette. You will not get much under 90K CAD.
Vettes go up very quick with options added.

A Z-06 vette loaded was close to 130k before, why do people think they are going
to get one for a 100k? That being said, the car IMO will be impressive and Vette has always
rivalled cars worth twice its value, especially at the higher end.


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Yah, theres always going to be at least one of "those" guys, whose enthusiasm outweighs his judgement and skills. Just a matter of time for the first GT500 mishap to happen once they start rolling off the line. Not to be judgemental, we've all been there, enjoying the potential of our cars, but really...theres a time and a place. That wasn't it.
That really sucks to have that happen. Glad everyone is OK.

Will be interesting to see what details if any come out of what happened. Equinox could also have been illegally passing the truck? Sightseeing family in equinox crossed over the line while being distracted? Road rage?

So many things could have happened here. The article writer has jumped to his own conclusion as well.

One thing is for sure the sports car always gets black carded. Lol
Car and Driver just tested a Stingray Z51 with the 3LT equipment package , carbon fiber roof panel, magnetic ride control and performance traction management and a few other options that raised the price to $88,310 US with a base price of $64,995. 2.8 seconds to 60, 7.2 to 100, 1/4 mile in 11.2 @ 122 MPH with a Top Speed of 184 MPH. Sounds pretty Super to me.
Car and Driver just tested a Stingray Z51 with the 3LT equipment package , carbon fiber roof panel, magnetic ride control and performance traction management and a few other options that raised the price to $88,310 US with a base price of $64,995. 2.8 seconds to 60, 7.2 to 100, 1/4 mile in 11.2 @ 122 MPH with a Top Speed of 184 MPH. Sounds pretty Super to me.
so your saying my car is half second slower in 1/4
2 mph top speed and cheaper :)
So my 2016 Mustang is going to be faster than a 2019 Z-51 hmmmm
I need to see track times, it should be quicker.