2025 Motorsports Racing Season.

Surprised me that with a last lap wreck in the Cup race at Daytona and again yesterday with the Xfinity race in Atlanta that NASCAR let them race back to the finish on the last lap, which is the way it should be.
I imagine where the crash occurs on the track and how the wrecks are situated must be a factor in the decision to throw a yellow, or let them run to the checkered flag. I prefer a race to the finish. The Daytona finish was controversial with some drivers.
The 2025 Indy race season begins!

I have never have been a big fan of road course racing, in Indy , or F1. I just hate seeing a car taken out of the race because of one tiny slip up. I think that is a factor the drivers must take into consideration. They know the risk is high and I believe it prevents a driver from performing as to what they are actually capable of. We don't get to see then at their best.
A simple slip up or even a spin on a race course, (even an oval track), a driver can often continue to race. I believe they go all out.

Some great NASCAR racing at Echo Park on Sunday. I prefer them running on courses like this, as it shows a drivers true overall racing skills, vs going around in circles the entire time. Not that that doesn't in it self take driving skill, but it's not the same.
For the most part drivers were racing fair and square, and most of the incidents were simply slip ups by the drivers, and not so much purposeful shoving and banging. Not sure why though, as it's not uncommon on the oval tracks for someone to get ahead by using the pit maneuver to advance. Does racing on a road circuit create more sportsmanship? I really felt bad for young gun Connor Zilisch who's race ended after a crash with Suarez, he was doing such a great job of working his way back to the front after his first incident.

Nice to see Chris Bell chalk up another victory. That kid has serious skills.

Busy race weekend coming up, better hope your DVR has lots of memory space.
March 21-23 has NASCAR, Indy, NHRA, and 2025's first F1 race taking place. .Wife won't be impressed.. I better stock up on beer.:)

Did anyone catch the first WEC event at Quatar? I'm not sure if it televised or not, but I missed it if it was.
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Busy race weekend coming up, better hope your DVR has lots of memory space.
March 21-23 has NASCAR, Indy, NHRA, and 2025's first F1 race taking place. .Wife won't be impressed.. I better stock up on beer.:)

Did anyone catch the first WEC event at Quatar? I'm not sure if it televised or not, but I missed it if it was.
and I am taking off for a week Sunday evening.
F-1 is in Australia so the race will actually be Saturday night
I beleive, so that takes some Sunday afternoon pressure off.
If you DVR it, you can watch while eating breakfast,
I will likely stay up or get up around midnight to watch it live.
I don’t know if it’s old news but I just read on Road and Track that Cadillacs F1 team has officially been approved.
They will be on the grid for the 2026 season.
No it just became 100% official yesterday/
Yes it was a fore gone conclusion, but
now its Official.
Be fun to watch this progression,

does Michael Andretti at any point in the next year, reappear?
and I am taking off for a week Sunday evening.
F-1 is in Australia so the race will actually be Saturday night
I beleive, so that takes some Sunday afternoon pressure off.
If you DVR it, you can watch while eating breakfast,
I will likely stay up or get up around midnight to watch it live.
Unfortunately I can't go back and edit my post, but I goofed on the F1 first race. It is on a Saturday the 15th in the evening. For me, I think it starts around 9pm.
Before the 2025 F1 season starts, and if you have Netflix, you really should watch the latest episodes of the Netflix series, Formula One-Drive to Survive.
My interest in F1 racing really began to wane a few years ago. The cars were becoming so hi-tech, with traction control, ABS, electronic, remotely computer controlled everything, I seriously figured at the rate things were going, F1 cars would eventually become drones. Who needs a driver for $80 million a year?
When this Netflix series first came out, my interest was completely renewed. It offered huge insight into what was going on behind the scenes, for the teams, drivers, principles, and so many other people involved in F1. You got to see the drama and how it affected people's lives. It made F1 racing much more real. I've really enjoyed watching the race series so much more since. Previous year's seasons are also available, but with changes some teams have gone through in the recent past make these newest episodes the most pertinent.

Further insight on the series.

Funny I watch the sereis also, they say real f-1 fans hate it as it is
over dramatizes, which may be true. But it does add some level
of the human emotion to it. You get some insight of behid the scenes
even if heavliy edited.

I think they could add 4-6 more episodes to give us more detail on
many things and maybe cover a few more temas and drivers.
For those not fans of F-1 it is even more enjoyable I think.

Either way quite entertaining.
Three wins in row serious skills. lol

Close finishes in both the Xfinity series and the Cup series at Phoenix, but interesting that Bell has those three wins on three diffferent types of tracks....super speedway, road course and short track.
I could always see the potential in Bell. I think he had the skills, just not the luck.
Many champion drivers over the years, became champions because of luck.
There sure has been some significant changes in NASCAR the last few years, with the older icons being replaced by the younger guys. Just part of the natural cycle. We may see more of that in F1 over the next couple of years.
I could always see the potential in Bell. I think he had the skills, just not the luck.
Many champion drivers over the years, became champions because of luck.
There sure has been some significant changes in NASCAR the last few years, with the older icons being replaced by the younger guys. Just part of the natural cycle. We may see more of that in F1 over the next couple of years.
F-1 has the biggest crop of rookies in a single season ever this year 6
beingtersting to watch. There are at least 2 or 3 more that are very close to
being ready or already ready for f-1
be hard to top 6 rookies in F-1 in a single year.

As far as stroll, the old man is worth 3.8 billion about a billion more than when he got into F-1
his kid will race as long as his kids wants to race, money is not a problem.
roumors ar Stroll senior will sell if his kids leaves, funny the major players dont' want him gone
He brought in the heavy wieght of the fashion world to F-1
F-1 wants them to stay, Stroll made is money there and has a huge influence in that world.

Paid drivers were and sometimes are still seen in f-1's history.
Perez was a big deal and he could drive, but was also worht over 50 million in sponsor ship
dumping him would not have been easy nor cheap.
All the rookies in F1 should make for some really interesting races. Could be costly for some teams, in spite of how the new drivers may have been cautioned. Controlling ego's can be a challenge, and they all want to prove their good, or like Sargent, their career could be short lived.
I imagine working for Flavio Briatore won't be easy..
“You need to be mentally very, very strong. Serious commitment for the job is what you need to be doing,” Briatore tells Jack Doohan.
“Everybody believes they have the magic car, driving along and you guys are relaxed, smoking a cigarette in the car. This is not happening. No more kid shit, you know? No more nyeh-nyeh-nyeh-nyeh. Now, Jesus Christ, you need to be in the top. The future of the Jack... I control you every millimeter.
Flavio might pull the team together, or, destroy it. He is a real oddball with an even huger ego now he's been allowed back into F1.