2024 Nationals Saturday July 6th Cruise and Supper

Hello Everyone,
Trevor and myself have been watching the Saturday weather closely which we all know how that can go. It looks like it could affect our run Saturday. We will be making a decision by later this afternoon weather we would be cancelling the run portion of it or not. I have looked at trying to modify my planned route , however I cannot seem to teleport us to no bad weather. So keep watching here and Facebook.

Please keep in mind SUPPER WILL STILL BE A GO either way for those that still want to go regardless of what we end up deciding for the run.

We just wanted to give everyone a heads up.
Awesome run so far. 11 cars total. First stop Texaco Garage.

Rain stopped while having supper
Got to hang out on mountain road
Seen rolling car show which is always fun

Considering weather forecast friday
We ended up have a couple great runs
Meals and weekend.
Met some new mustang folks and
Got to see some old friends
Thanks everyone for making this another
Great weekend 😁
Was a good run, as usual , a few stories told, a few memories made, and not much rain through the day. Many thanks to Charlie and Jen and to whoever bribed Mother Nature keeping the rain south of our quickly redesigned route. Soon time for supper and a few more stories.
Thank you Gerry. And thank you as well for keeping the cars in line out back. Always appreciate the help.

It was an awesome supper at Rossano’s as welll. The rain stopping for the rolling car show and great conversations on Mountain road helped cap off a couple of great days. It was a great weekend with old friends and some new ones as well. Always love this weekend.