2019 PEI Fall Run

Hotel rooms left over from the block reservation were released today. Still 5 remaining for the weekend, so anybody sitting on the fence about taking in the fall run and needing a room better make a call. Block room rate will still apply for any remaining room.
Ohtobbad;n33275 said:
I am hoping 11-12 ish, but will know better as we get closer.
Also when close will put together list for those who can leave earlier and maybe meet any folks from NB who can get away as well.

I am planning on being out of work by 12, so yeah, i could meet with anyone pretty much coming up from HRM on your way up right at the bridge maybe? Anywho, let me know how it plays! :D
We were at car show in Summerside P.E.I. tonite lot off Mustangs there .Talked to lot off the owners told them about fall run lot of them want to go so we told them where to find it on MM. They are going to fourm for more details and to get name on list. Maybe it time to put some more details on the fourm.