2019 - 2020 NHL Season.

Gotta love the Goaltending story in the Leaf - Carolina game,
42 year old Zamboni driver gets emergency call up and wins the game.
To make it even more cool, he occasional helps leafs out ins hooting drills.
Got to live his dream and for him, won his stanley cup. love it.
As a Montreal fan it was great night ( this year we take what we can get)
Montreal shuts out Ottawa.
Toronto Loses to Carolina who's using Zamboni drive for a goalie.
Bruins get soundly beat by Canucks.

Sorta a trifecta :)
Good story for sure, I know the Leafs are poor on the Offence side, but getting shut out in the 3rd period by a 42 year old Zambians Driver really empathizes that point ????
Ayres was on ice in maple leafs practice today, the whole thing is sorta funny.
Carolina is taking him to a home game to be the horn sounder for goals and likely a
standing O for win over TO. I think great story, everyone of us dreamed to play in NHL
he got his 20 minutes of glory with a win,
Montreal traded Kovalchuk to Washington for a 3rd round draft pick as well as Nate Thompson to the Flyers in exchange for a 5th round pick. And something is in the works with Nick Cousins.
Few teams made a splash today, but no earth shattering deals.
Few very good teams got a little better, but most middle teams
didn't do anything crazy.

Interesting with the way the presented. showed percentages.
Montreal has improved to a 2% chance of making playoffs From 1.4 %
Leafs were 58% chance of making it, on positive side, but not an inspiring number.
Canadiens have 14 Draft Picks this June, hopefully they pick some winners ?
with there history, its more luck than design.
MB being who he is, got rid of 3 4th liners,
should go out in spring and sign 4 more 5th liners
fire him and Julian and Molson should hire a hockey President, because he couldn't run
a lemonade stand in a heat wave. Actually he would make a good politician
takes lots of money form the people, talks a lot of BS and does nothing :oops: