great white
Grumpy Old Fart
So, as some already know, I have a 2016 F-150.
It had a few things it did as delivered that I didn't like, so I changed/disabled/enabled some options.
Things like the "double honk" when you get out of the vehicle when it's running I turned off, things like "secure idle" I turned on.
I've had a few questions on it by members, so this will try to clear some of those questions up.
I use a program called "FORScan", which is free to download off the internet, but you need an interface that can access HS and MS Can networks. I use an MX bluetooth adapter, generally accepted as the most stable option for this type of thing. If you shop around, you can find one probably around 120-150 CAD. Less expensive options are available, but I would not really recommend them as they have "work arounds" to access both HS and MS CAN.
Everything you need to know can be found in this thread on another forum:
But for those who don't want to be bothered learning or spending the money, I'm making an offer to change some of the things I know how to do for free.
So if you want that double honk turned off, or secure idle enabled, two presses required on the key fob to fire off the panic alarm or to fold your mirrors on lock.unlock, hit me up.
Only thing is I live up in Kingston, Annapolis valley. So you have to travel for me to be able to help you out.
If you do decide to drop by for a few "tweaks", make sure you bring a USB thumb drive with you. I'll need to make a backup copy of your "asbuilt" files so they can be restored in case something goes wrong when reprogramming a module. 1 GB is more than enough.
It's really all pretty safe and hard to mess up. But, of course, any changes you (or I) make are at your own risk.....

It had a few things it did as delivered that I didn't like, so I changed/disabled/enabled some options.
Things like the "double honk" when you get out of the vehicle when it's running I turned off, things like "secure idle" I turned on.
I've had a few questions on it by members, so this will try to clear some of those questions up.
I use a program called "FORScan", which is free to download off the internet, but you need an interface that can access HS and MS Can networks. I use an MX bluetooth adapter, generally accepted as the most stable option for this type of thing. If you shop around, you can find one probably around 120-150 CAD. Less expensive options are available, but I would not really recommend them as they have "work arounds" to access both HS and MS CAN.
Everything you need to know can be found in this thread on another forum:
But for those who don't want to be bothered learning or spending the money, I'm making an offer to change some of the things I know how to do for free.
So if you want that double honk turned off, or secure idle enabled, two presses required on the key fob to fire off the panic alarm or to fold your mirrors on lock.unlock, hit me up.
Only thing is I live up in Kingston, Annapolis valley. So you have to travel for me to be able to help you out.
If you do decide to drop by for a few "tweaks", make sure you bring a USB thumb drive with you. I'll need to make a backup copy of your "asbuilt" files so they can be restored in case something goes wrong when reprogramming a module. 1 GB is more than enough.
It's really all pretty safe and hard to mess up. But, of course, any changes you (or I) make are at your own risk.....

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