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  1. great white

    1983 GL, project: Cheap Thrills

    Did a little work today. Finished installing the ebrake, finished up some welding on the floor pan, put the floor carpet back in on the driver's side and installed the driver's seat. Humidity was crazy, so that's all I got done. I'll have to put the AC back in the garage window. I also found...
  2. great white

    1983 GL, project: Cheap Thrills

    Next update is...time for a slowdown. Riding season is precariously close to going into full swing and I've decided to get my FJ1200 healthy and into final paint. I'll still be picking at the mustang, just it's dropping on the priority list.
  3. great white

    1983 GL, project: Cheap Thrills

    Interesting read, but will never apply to my car. Mine started out as a lowly 3.8 v6 GL and has been heavily modified from stock. Its a hodgepodge of different years and aftermarket parts. Those type of cars never have a lot of market worth, or at least lag far behind the "collector status"...
  4. great white

    1983 GL, project: Cheap Thrills

    Now this is very tasty: Would be a lot of work to build it though....
  5. great white

    1983 GL, project: Cheap Thrills

    Nope. Plans are for the 1983 oem red. Black is such a pita to maintain and I've already got a big black crew cab to keep looking good. Although, the underside and under hood are going to be black........hmmmmm.......
  6. great white

    1983 GL, project: Cheap Thrills

    Couldn't resist throwing a proper plate on it: {"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"http:\/\/\/albums\/r618\/justonepict\/mustang%20rear%20bumper%20gt40%20plate_zpsqyw7qlxk.jpg"} ;) The more I look at that rendering, the more I like it. Now I just have to walk...
  7. great white

    1983 GL, project: Cheap Thrills

    Threw a set of tailights on and covered over the CHMSL. Just to make it closer to what mine would look like: {"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"http:\/\/\/albums\/r618\/justonepict\/mustang%20rear%20bumper%20gt40%201pipe%20tail_zpsqott9biw.jpg"} That's not...
  8. great white

    1983 GL, project: Cheap Thrills

    More messing around: {"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"http:\/\/\/albums\/r618\/justonepict\/mustang%20rear%20bumper%20gt40%201pipe_zps8vntq8es.jpg"}...
  9. great white

    1983 GL, project: Cheap Thrills

    Laid up today with bad foot. Been playing with photochop trying to come up with something to do with the rear bumper cover. Stole a pic off the net and came up with this: I dunno. Kinda hot and cold on it. I know I don't want to use the stock Mustang GT big and low rear facia and I can't...
  10. great white

    1983 GL, project: Cheap Thrills

    Alrighty! We have brakes: I like the old hurst shift ball look, but not the price. I found this one on ebay for 10 bucks, but it was the wrong thread size. Since its just a brass insert set into the ball, i simply drilled it larger and rethreaded it. Not bad for 10 bucks! Next up is to tidy...
  11. great white

    1983 GL, project: Cheap Thrills

    Ouch. 180 bucks plus tax for two calipers. That's after the core return.....:(
  12. great white

    1983 GL, project: Cheap Thrills

    Started installing the ebrake and rear brakes. Ebrake is pretty easy. It's the 83 handle and cable to the splitter bar, then 94 sn95 cables back to the sn95 calipers. I still have to install the transmission tunnel bracket for the cables, but that will wait until I get the rear calipers mounted...
  13. great white

    1983 GL, project: Cheap Thrills

    After an evenings​ hard thrash, the Panhard bar is in: {"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"http:\/\/\/albums\/r618\/justonepict\/BB54EA0C-1ACB-43A5-9400-F1C636CBC294_zpspqlwtbtf.jpg"} I basically just said "damn the topedos!" and worked like a mad man until...
  14. great white

    Move adverts?

    Could we possibly move the advertisements from beside the posts to either at the top banner or a banner on the bottom? With them of to the side it makes the area left to read the posts very small, like 1/3 of the available screen. I'm not saying get rid of them (I know someone has to pay for...
  15. great white

    1983 GL, project: Cheap Thrills

    Done: {"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"http:\/\/\/albums\/r618\/justonepict\/890A69BF-0D86-42F0-A5A8-7660AE747FA8_zps3s5avmld.jpg"} Bolted and welded. Pinion angle is set. 1° at the crank face, 1° at the pinion flange. The torque arm front mount is...
  16. great white

    1983 GL, project: Cheap Thrills

    Still working on it. You need the full length subframe connectors to install the torque arm. You might get away with the short subframe connectors, but I wouldn't I want to as now all the rotational torque from your rear axle is shoving up into the subframe connectors. Instead of the rear axle...
  17. great white

    1983 GL, project: Cheap Thrills

    Side #1 done: Side #2 underway. :)
  18. great white

    1983 GL, project: Cheap Thrills

    Added the seat brace and a shot of paint to protect the top since I can't get to it after it's installed: {"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"http:\/\/\/albums\/r618\/justonepict\/CD125459-9A43-49DA-BBB1-17E9190BBB68_zpst6lgvcxw.jpg"} Now for a break while it...
  19. great white

    1983 GL, project: Cheap Thrills

    subframe connectors built: Custom fit to my floor and subframes. Now to get them welded in. :)
  20. great white

    1983 GL, project: Cheap Thrills

    Its a no brainer that my fat old bod is not getting under a stock fox to weld in subframe connectors and the car has to sit on its own suspension when doing it so it doesn't end up "cocked" out of square. easy solution: 18" to the rocker pinch weld. Plenty of room to work. :)