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  1. great white

    New toy!

    Yeah, theres not a lot to the older ones. Theres only a flat steel frame, a lawn tractor engine and a transmission. The rest is chains and tires. Its not much more than a go cart in a plastic tub. The newer ones have a lot more junk in the trunk. They've got fuel injection, revised...
  2. great white

    New toy!

    Oh, my 86 is about 1000-1200 lbs in stock form. So about as much as a golf cart, which is what the PO was using it for. Sales literature says 975 lbs, but thats almost never accurate.
  3. great white

    New toy!

    Tear down time. Its three layers of various thickness of plywood in various stages of decay: {"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"http:\/\/\/getfile\/1121385\/fullsize\/img_6590.jpg"} That pic is the last layer and is the orginal 1970-1980 era plywood. Still has...
  4. great white

    New toy!

    So ive been needing a trailer to haul the Argo. But like most guys, I don't want to spend any more than I have too. Problem was; I wanted a trailer big enough to take the Argo with supertracks, which means a minimum of 72" wide. Those size trailers are a little harder to find used and just...
  5. great white

    New toy!

    Finished off today by making the template for the rear floor: Transferred it over to 1/8 aluminum and i'll cut it out when i get a chance to finish it off.
  6. great white

    New toy!

    Mounted in the body and slaved to a temporary battery (waiting for more delphi connectors to arrive): The last pic looks like its looking down because it is. I had to hold the phone up over my head. Any lower and the lights are blinding and just wash everything out. Its actually hard to...
  7. great white

    New toy!

    Auugghhhh! My eyes! My eyes! I'm blind! I'm blind! {"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"http:\/\/\/getfile\/1120104\/fullsize\/img_6374.jpg"} Hey, I can see again! But everything looks funny now...
  8. great white

    New toy!

    I dont think so tim! Maybe wait until i drop an 1100 cc jap 4cyl in there or something. Then maybe i'll deserve the name change! Lol!
  9. great white

    New toy!

    Soooo, if you have followed my other post (my 83 mustang) you know i just cant leave well enough alone. what I've done so far: ordered half links to fit the tracks better ordered 45 watt led headlights. Ordered red led tail lights ordered 6 arb style green waterproof switches and the bezel to...
  10. great white

    New toy!

    Yep. Down at the cottage i couldnt believe where this little bathtub would go. tromped along the shoreline in waste deep water with no troubles. Rocky bottom and sand bottom. I had to keep the tires where they could get at least some grip since they dont swim. Then ripped up the road and into...
  11. great white

    New toy!

    Well, when im retired the travel part wont be a problem. Problem will be that's a fair way to haul all my kit (ie:$$ on a fixed income, worse now that gas is climbing like a homesick angel!) and my response time to any call out will suck. I'm going to be just on the other side of Kentville, so...
  12. great white

    New toy!

    East hants might be just a tad out of range. We might be building our retirement home in Cambridge instead of Nictaux, which puts us in valley search (kings) turf. They seem to have several argos in thier ranks already so thats kind of cool. Much newer than mine though. :)
  13. great white

    New toy!

    Im looking at joining the annapolis ground search team after i retire from 413 sqn. I can't cover a lot of uneven ground due to my injuries over the years in helo SAR. So the argo will fill in for my "boots on the ground" and hopefully add some capability seeing as its amphibious. I've got...
  14. great white

    New toy!

    Yessir, they do.
  15. great white

    New toy!

    1986 Argo Conquest:
  16. great white

    Some eclipse pics from today

    [No message]
  17. great white

    Some eclipse pics from today

    I'm a bit of an amateur astronomer so i set up my 10" dobsonian reflector today. I have a baader filter (high qual solar filter) so we watched the partial eclipse today. Sunspots were fairly ample and the viewing was good. I held my iphone up to the lens and took a few quick snaps. Please enjoy...
  18. great white

    1983 GL, project: Cheap Thrills

    Well crap. Just as I was warming up to just having "Mustang" on the rocker panel, I realized that the drivers side is going to be reversed. Meaning; the Mustang is going to be about 5-6 inches further forward. Great for just filling in the "GT", but it will drive me nuts knowing one isn't...
  19. great white

    1983 GL, project: Cheap Thrills

    Side skirts are hung: {"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"http:\/\/\/getfile\/1117808\/fullsize\/wmimg_6007.jpg"} It was a lot of measuring and a major PITB. Took a lot of measuring, staring and thinking to build up the courage to drill ten 3/16" holes into...
  20. great white

    1983 GL, project: Cheap Thrills

    Well, wife went into town today so I'd thought I'd work on the car. I fought with that bloody little garage for a while and had to just throw down tools and walk away. It's literally 10 pounds of crap in a 5 pound bag. Both my bikes are out in the rain as well as the pressure washer and it's...