New Mustang Owner - Moncton NB


Happy long weekend everyone. New to the site. Purchased a 2014 GT, 6 speed, 49k a couple weeks ago. Would love to connect with other owners! thumbnail_Image.jpg
Welcome to the site, Ken, from the far reaches of nothern NB.
Real nice car!
Congratulations on the acquisition.

I’m sure there will be a few members at the father’s day show in Riverview on June 19th.

And defenitely a good turnout for the spring run to Taylor Ford in Amherst on June 25th.
Welcome to the site Ken. I am from Moncton. I look forward to seeing you and your ride around. We have a few runs around the nationals as well as our spring run in June to Amherst. There is a thread started for the Amherst run. The Nationals runs are still to be determined. Working on a few things.