New Facebook Page as of June 24 2024


Staff member
After a lengthy discussion between Trevor and myself we have decided we needed to start a New Group. This group should allow all of us to be more engaged with each other. Definitly something our other page is lacking since the new changes on Facebook. Everyone who is a member will now be able to create their own posts or reply to existing ones. Again this is an extension of this forum.
Feel free to invite any fellow Mustangers. We will phase the old page out in a little bit
Thank You again for all your support
Me being a non techie, Charlie being the man with the plan,
realized our orginal facebook is a page, not a group.
big difference being page you can only respond to what we post,
a group being our members can also post, which helps with content,
not just ours but future show, runs etc.

Because we approve members we can control it to some degree
to hopfully keep spammers away etc.

I think its a great Idea and I hope our members move over to it from our old page and have more fun with it
but remember the Forum is still the best way to share info and provide content now and into the future
also easy to search old threads, Mustang info that has been posted or keep info we share to help members
solve problems, facebook is a great way to share, shows, events but once it gets buried hard to find,

so Use as it is intended and should be good for all, as Charlie said it is an arm of our forum.