Search results

  1. pei_guy

    Amusing roadside signs

  2. pei_guy

    Thought of the day.

  3. pei_guy

    37th Wedding Anniversary

    Congrats to you both! Bonus Linda didn't push you into the well after that many years, Fred!
  4. pei_guy

    Amusing roadside signs

    Not a roadside sign, but can still make your eyes bleed if you stare too long!
  5. pei_guy

    Thought of the day.

    Check your parent’s medicine chests for this!
  6. pei_guy

    Amusing roadside signs

  7. pei_guy

    Mustang Future

    Listened to a CBC story this am on the future of the muscle car….think all badges here…..Mopar, Chev & Mustang iterations…. Designer focus seems to be on retention of the ride, punch, seat & pedal response….along with the sound replication. Future generations of auto customers who look at...
  8. pei_guy

    Thought of the day.

  9. pei_guy

    Fred's Funny pages

  10. pei_guy

    Amusing roadside signs

  11. pei_guy

    2023 Calendar photo contest

    Another great year of calendar pics from the MM crew! Here's my submission.
  12. pei_guy

    Amusing roadside signs

  13. pei_guy

    Crazy Weather events in your area

    Had enough with the heat yet?
  14. pei_guy

    2007 Mustang GT/CS Vert

    Sounds like progress! Fingers crossed the rest is clear, simple & inexpensive! Don't want to chew I to that mod reserve too deeply?
  15. pei_guy

    Amusing roadside signs

  16. pei_guy

    Thought of the day.

  17. pei_guy

    Fred's Funny pages

  18. pei_guy

    2023 Raptor R

  19. pei_guy

    Thought of the day.
