Search results

  1. pei_guy

    Amusing roadside signs

  2. pei_guy

    Amusing roadside signs

  3. pei_guy

    Amusing roadside signs

  4. pei_guy

    Thought of the day.

    Anybody else having one of these kind of days?...
  5. pei_guy

    Looking for Puddle Lights with Pony Logo fir 2013 Mustang

    I picked up a set through dealer. About $125 a set. Not a necessary part replacement but the pony puddle light was beginning to look like a donkey. Could have just unclupped the connector but....
  6. pei_guy

    Thought of the day.

  7. pei_guy

    Fred's Funny pages

  8. pei_guy

    Cool mustangs

  9. pei_guy

    Cool Ford Trucks

  10. pei_guy

    Cool Ford Trucks

    Here's a good crew truck for One Call Paving!
  11. pei_guy

    2023 Spring run to Amherst

    For the PEI Crew: Charlottetown & Eastern folks be fueled up, have coffee & be ready to roll from the Tim's on St. Peters Rd leaving at 8:45. Western PEI folks meet in the back lot beside-behind Lone Oak (Lone Oak has pallets & trailers in their back lot) @ Gateway Village at 9:30. Quick stop...
  12. pei_guy

    2023 Spring run to Amherst

    PEI Crew.... We're working to finalize a few details for the run from PEI to Taylor Ford. The details will be tightened up in the next couple of days, however with the great interest from here & NB, we won't be organizing a meet and ride together to Taylor's this year. We'll gather the...
  13. pei_guy

    Amusing roadside signs

  14. pei_guy

    Cool Ford Trucks

  15. pei_guy

    Cool cars

    Not sure what you classify this as but pretty cool, regardless!
  16. pei_guy

    Cool Ford Trucks

  17. pei_guy

    Cool Ford Trucks

  18. pei_guy

    Thought of the day.

  19. pei_guy

    2023 Dyno Run New Hampshire

    Didn't have paid by card!