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  1. great white

    1983 GL, project: Cheap Thrills

    Well, I think today has gone from a "light" day to a "no work" day. Started with trying to clean the garage up and realized how much of a total sh*t pit it had become. Will probably eat up most of the day. There's one little spot on the rad support to to fender support transition that I would...
  2. great white

    1983 GL, project: Cheap Thrills

    Looks like today is going to be a light day. The DOM 16 isn't cured yet, so no work on the cowl today. :( I've got a few small rust spots i can clean up while waiting though. It's all work that needs to be done eventually, I just really wanted to finish that cowl today and be done with it...
  3. great white

    1983 GL, project: Cheap Thrills

    That will work. In another 50 years I'll probably be about 20 in the ground so the next owner can worry about it! LOL!
  4. great white

    1983 GL, project: Cheap Thrills

    None taken. No difference to me than someone saying they prefer Camaro, Charger, Firebird, Challenger, Corvette, Super Bee, etc.... Fox mustangs are just cheap little run about cars that happen to have a lot of potential and huge aftermarket support to help realize that potential. But it's...
  5. great white

    1983 GL, project: Cheap Thrills

    Vent horn built, welded in and corrosion converter/sealed: After it cures up I'm going to hit all the welds with body seam sealer for good measure and top coat it all with Tremclad (like Rustoleum for those in the 'states reading this). Tomorrow, hopefully, I should be able to weld the...
  6. great white

    1983 GL, project: Cheap Thrills

    Coming along nicely: First burn in. Grinding it down and decided to end the day on a high note with the panel solidly in place. My grinder disc needs replacing anyways. I'll run out tomorrow morning and grab another. I also drilled the spot weld locations and fit the vent duct retaining...
  7. great white

    1983 GL, project: Cheap Thrills

    Ive always bought my own cars with my own money. Only car i ever did not pay for was my dads old 78 tbird he gave to me a long time ago. It was far from "new" in many ways. I dont know how parents these days buy cars for thier kids. Hell, i have a hard enough time choking down the cost of a...
  8. great white

    1983 GL, project: Cheap Thrills

    Used the original rotted out piece as a template: Start of the new piece: It's not perfect, but its also the first cut so it's not bad either. Further work will get it to where it needs to be. I'm just going to seam weld a new air horn to the opening rather than spot weld. Will make it...
  9. great white

    1983 GL, project: Cheap Thrills

    Ugh, I despise rust repair. Took the cowl off: Then cut out the rusted piece around the air horn: What a mess: Oh well, at least I will be able to de-rust, paint and seal the entire plenum floor so I should never have to open it up ever again...
  10. great white

    1983 GL, project: Cheap Thrills

    Well, started to pull the entire cowl piece off. I was working at removing rust amd more holes showed up. Rather than chase them, I just decided to cut the spot weld and access the entire plenum. Pita just with so many spot welds, but I'll be able to clean and paint the entire plenum now. I'm...
  11. great white

    1983 GL, project: Cheap Thrills

    Brown truck just left. I have no space left in the garage now! Will have to take over a room in the basement for storage.....
  12. great white

    1983 GL, project: Cheap Thrills

    Took the plunge and cut off the top panel. F'N G-D MICE!! GRRRRRR!!!!!!! Made his bloody home in the recess under the wiper cowl! With jute from the interior and shredding the once pristine hood pad no less! There's a drain right there for water, so guess where all his toxic corrosive pile...
  13. great white

    1983 GL, project: Cheap Thrills

    So I've got the floor replaced on the drivers side. Now to tackle the reason it rusted out: the air horn in the plenum rusted out: and leaked (non ac car) then soaked the carpet while the car was in outside storage. I pulled the windsheild out, the nose and both fenders. Then, while looking...
  14. great white

    1983 GL, project: Cheap Thrills

    Tried out some super-duper glass polish we use at work on aircraft canopy's: Daummn! It's so clear you can't even tell there's glass in there! :rolleyes:
  15. great white

    1983 GL, project: Cheap Thrills

    Well, it's done: Pretty? Not really. I got tired of grinding out the welds at some point and started not worrying about how it looks. You can see that in the seat mount welds and a few small patches added to the firewall after I discovered a few localized rust pocks. It's already altered so...
  16. great white

    1983 GL, project: Cheap Thrills

    Al-rightly. Up early on a Sunday so lets get this damned floor finished today! All I really have left is a little rust repair around the firewall and get the floor burned in at the rocker panels. Then I can move on to the cowl repair or do the subframe connectors. Probably the subframe...
  17. great white

    1983 GL, project: Cheap Thrills

    Yep. I'm referring to the process and how much of a PITA it is to do and not how it looks. Zap, skip, zap, skip, zap, skip and on and on..... I'll be glad when the floor is done and i can move on to something else. I have no idea how people can stand doing this for a living....
  18. great white

    1983 GL, project: Cheap Thrills

    I said it before and I'll say it again: skip welding sucks! Lol!
  19. great white

    1983 GL, project: Cheap Thrills

    Not pretty, but getting there slowly: My new lincoln 180 is making it much easier, although skip welding sucks no matter how you look at it. More goodies showed up: The wheel is from a mercury, but i dont really care as i'm going to cover it in leather.
  20. great white

    1983 GL, project: Cheap Thrills

    Had a liitle WTF panic moment last night. I was reading some talk of model year differences and got my curiosity up so I jumped out of bed and went to look at the sticker on the driver's door. I realized it was the replacement door (white inside) but figured I'd look anyways since I was up...