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  1. 05 gt 5spd

    Thought of the day.

    I might as well say it before some one else does And drive my mustang
  2. 05 gt 5spd

    Motor Monday

    Wi-fi prochargers - no belts
  3. 05 gt 5spd

    Side shot Sunday

    You found the Sun, great shot
  4. 05 gt 5spd

    Rare and relaxing

    Beam me here Scotty and don’t forget my car !
  5. 05 gt 5spd

    Sherbrooke Village Car Show. Sherbrooke NS. Sept 10

    It was a good day for Dad’s truck as well
  6. 05 gt 5spd

    2023 Fall Run Valley, Nova Scotia Edition (Cancelled)

    I forgot to include this in the note Our Dartmouth start point is the Cineplex Cinemas parking lot 145 Shubie Drive Dartmouth Crossing , just around the corner from the host hotel
  7. 05 gt 5spd

    2023 Fall Run Valley, Nova Scotia Edition (Cancelled)

    I’m not sure what the weekend will look like but being positive here goes the plans as of today! We will be leaving Dartmouth crossing at 8 am Saturday so be there early to get lined up For those wishing to catch up with us but not make the trip into Dartmouth, our first stop is planned for...
  8. 05 gt 5spd

    Sherbrooke Village Car Show. Sherbrooke NS. Sept 10

    It was a busy couple of days, this year was spent looking and talking, I forgot to take photo’s ! the 1966 F100 is a great looking truck , nice to see it win and the Grand National as well
  9. 05 gt 5spd

    Thought of the day.

    It’s my truck life too - 350 miles in the old truck this weekend
  10. 05 gt 5spd

    Thought of the day.

  11. 05 gt 5spd

    Maritime mini runs.

    I’ve got to get a new camera and learn to use it ! The two photo’s Mike took make the car look like new again - Was a good weekend, about 1500 km from Friday night until Sunday night in the Mustang. A trip to the pressure washer / car wash was required tonight to get rid of the Sunday night bug...
  12. 05 gt 5spd

    Local groups

    That was a mixed group - PEI Mustangs, 2 from the Mustangs Outlaws in NS and me . We were off on a Fundy Trail Tour
  13. 05 gt 5spd

    New To Me

  14. 05 gt 5spd

    Track photos

  15. 05 gt 5spd

    Fender Envy

  16. 05 gt 5spd

    New Mustang owner

    Welcome to Maritime Mustang Sounds like you have a great project to begin. Are you from the Halifax metro area or like many of us - outside the city limits ?
  17. 05 gt 5spd

    Man Cave or Garage

    Someone went to the races, and I got a banner ! I‘ll try it here for now And yes I know this bay still needs a clean up
  18. 05 gt 5spd

    2023 Fall Run Valley, Nova Scotia Edition (Cancelled)

    Glad to see you come join us . The Run will start from Dartmouth crossing at 8am on Saturday, we will have a stop somewhere around Windsor to collect some of the valley people and then the real fun begins ! We are still working out some of the details - more to come.