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  1. 2008BlackCSGT

    Fall Run September 17, 2022 Central Prince Edward Island

    Glenn & Sharon for run and supper, looking forward to meeting everyone again
  2. 2008BlackCSGT

    Show us a Pic of Your Family Pet

    When the alien retires you'll have a new mustang buddy
  3. 2008BlackCSGT

    Show us a Pic of Your Family Pet

    Jill took up kayaking and biking last summer
  4. 2008BlackCSGT

    Crazy Weather events in your area

    I guess it's a good thing you left the mustang home
  5. 2008BlackCSGT

    NH Dyno Run

    Story of my life :)
  6. 2008BlackCSGT

    NH Dyno Run

    Run and depending on time I'd get Pete to do a check on the tune since I'm there but not a priority if someone else needs the time
  7. 2008BlackCSGT 2022 Events

    Excellent !!!!!! Look forward to seeing everyone again
  8. 2008BlackCSGT

    2007 Mustang GT/CS Vert

    I’m hopeful, missing that blast down the airline route
  9. 2008BlackCSGT

    2007 Mustang GT/CS Vert

    Hey Max, You were commenting on how good my car was running at the fall run. I was having some lag gunning it on the ramps prior to the run and realized it was about 120k since the plugs were changed. Got new ones and swapped them out just before the run. She as running fine..... however when I...
  10. 2008BlackCSGT 2022 Events

    Let the good times roll.....
  11. 2008BlackCSGT

    Maritime Auto Glass.

    Congrats, you are trying hard to retire young
  12. 2008BlackCSGT

    Merry Christmas

    Keep the headlights aimed forward and between the ditches and we'll all get through. Merry Christmas and hope all have a great 2022. Glenn & Sharon
  13. 2008BlackCSGT

    2021 Fall Run New Brunswick Miramichi/Acadian Peninsula/Bathurst

    Should be in Enfield by 11:45 at the latest
  14. 2008BlackCSGT

    2021 Fall Run New Brunswick Miramichi/Acadian Peninsula/Bathurst

    Are the PEI crowd meeting near the bridge to come together or just meeting in Aulac, I've got the 4 friends (2 cars) Montague, Summerside, coming over for the trip
  15. 2008BlackCSGT

    2021 Fall Run New Brunswick Miramichi/Acadian Peninsula/Bathurst

    4 friends from PEI coming for both nights, meal and run Judy & Paul plus Roger & Carolyn
  16. 2008BlackCSGT

    2021 Fall Run New Brunswick Miramichi/Acadian Peninsula/Bathurst

    Glenn & Sharon ... Hotels are booked for both nights and add us to the Sat supper and whatever else there is,,,,,, Looking forward to it again!!
  17. 2008BlackCSGT

    373 vs 355 Pros? Cons?

    Does the supercharger make ay difference on whether or not to change them?