Pale Ale is my go to. Im glad they brought back the red last spring. they lost a lot of business when they switched to the black cans. Everyone knows it as Moose Red and young bartenders had no idea When asked for it ..Even some novice drinkers would go to the liquor store and not see the red...
The guy that used to own that lived in Saint john. It had nitrous, he abused that car every time he was in it. That's also not the first time I've seen a cop behind it
Australia for sure. Not sure where else. But like the look. It's based off the ranger platform.. kind of small to be called Everest. At first look I thought it was the new Excursion. Either way, pretty cool for midsize SUV
Through back to my first Mustang. And the only know picture i didn't have. My buddy that took it just gave it to me. I wrecked it the first week i got it 😳