Tues Cruise-in - Mustang Night - August 16th

JUST HEARD...... THE TUESDAY NIGHT CRUISES IN Riverview have been CANCELLED due to lack of interest.
Just heard about them last week. How long have they been doing them? Could have got the word out more if we would have known.
That Sucks. Riverview is a bit out of my way , but I planned on going tonight.

So with that out , who is up for a little Cruise tonight leaving Moncton area ?
I am out too. 4.6 started losing power on way back from Moncton this afternoon , and stalled as soon as I took foot of accelerator in Town on way to the Shop I take it. Made it there , should know something by tomorrow afternoon. :mad:
Yeah keep us updated.

Probably nothing major. Are you still running the stock coils? They're pretty much the best option on modular V8s.
Yes Stock Coils. I put a fresh set of 8 COP's and Ford Platinum Plugs in in 2013 and had the tech seal everything up good with die electric grease. But I experienced a bad coil a few times over the first 2 years I had the car , and it didn't run that bad.